Wilson UK’s Family Fun Day!

Wow. When Wilson first asked us to consider doing a Family Fun Day as part of their campaign across the country I thought it would be a nice idea. I liked the idea of connecting parents and children on court together and everybody loves a minion.
I never imagined we would have the numbers we saw yesterday (we think over 100 at one point). 
Peppard is a beautiful tennis club which we are lucky to work at and seeing it so vibrant and buzzing yesterday was a delight. I’m truly sorry if your child didn’t get a hot dog or their face painted, we thought we had more than enough sausages and had paid the face painter for two hours which we assumed would be plenty, clearly for the future we need to have a rethink!
I personally took great enjoyment seeing parents and children having fun together. Lots of parents don’t get the chance to see their children’s lessons and I hope you are as proud of their development as we are. 
We had a vague structure which flew out the window when we had the numbers we saw but I hope everybody who came had some time on court and enjoyed such a beautiful day.
Again thank you so much for your support, it was inspirational to see everyone. Also a huge thanks to Andy, Charlie, Helen, Kim, our BBQ chefs and everyone else who gave up their Sundays to help us. 
If you have any photos that you thought summed up the fun from yesterday please feel free to share with us as we are making a little collection of them. 
Have a lovely week!

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